[대학원] 컴퓨터정보학과 학과내규
  • 작성일 2019.06.11
  • 작성자 컴퓨터융합소프트웨어학과
  • 조회수 1011



1. 석사과정

전산과학 전공(Computer Science)

2. 박사과정 및 석박사통합과정

지능컴퓨터시스템 전공(Intelligent Computer System)

소프트웨어공학 전공(Software Engineering)

정보-통신 융합 전공(Information-Communication Convergence)

보안 병렬 알고리즘 전공(Security and Parallel Algorithm)

DB 데이터마이닝 전공(DB and Data Mining)

네트워크관리전공(Network  Management)

IoT&AI 전공(Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence)

자율모바일아키텍처 전공(Autonomous Mobile Architecture)

   인공지능및의생명전산학 전공(AI & Biomedical Computation)






1. 석사과정

1) 일반공통과목 중 필수 과목을 3학점 이상을 취득하여야 한다.

2) 타과 전공과목은 지도교수와 학과 주임교수의 승인을 받아 전공과목으로 인정된다.

3) 학위 취득에 필요한 24학점 중 기초공통과목 9학점(3과목)과 각 전공과목 중에서 9학점(3과목) 이상을 이수하여야 한다.

4) 입학 후 지도교수와 면담하여 지도교수 지정과목을 정한다.


2. 박사과정

1) 일반공통과목 중 필수 과목을 3학점 이상을 취득하여야 한다. (, 석사과정에서 이수한 경우 면제한다.)

2) 타과 전공과목은 지도교수와 학과 주임교수의 승인을 받아 전공과목으로 인정된다.

3) 학위 취득에 필요한 30학점(석사과정에서 이수한 과목은 제외) 중 기초공통과목 6학점(2과목)과 각 전공과목 중에서 21학점(7과목) 이상을 이수하여야 한다.

4) 입학 후 지도교수와 면담하여 지도교수 지정과목을 정한다.


3. 박사 통합과정

1)일반공통과목 중 필수 과목을 3학점 이상을 취득하여야 한다.

2)타과 전공과목은 지도교수와 학과 주임교수의 승인을 받아 전공과목으로 인정된다.

3)학위 취득에 필요한 48학점 중 기초공통과목 12학점(4과목)과 각 전공과목 중에서 30학점(10과목) 이상을 이수하여야 한다.

4)입학 후 지도교수와 면담하여 지도교수 지정과목을 정한다.





1. 종합시험은 지도교수의 승인을 받아 입학 2학기 이후부터 학위논문을 쓰기 전에 치르며, 불합격시 1회에 한하여 재응시 있다.

2. 석사과정 학생은 기초공통과목 중에서 전공이 다른 3과목을 택한다.

3. 박사과정 학생은 기초공통과목 2과목을 포함하여 4과목을 택한다.(기초공통 2과목, 전공 2과목)

4. 박사 통합과정은 박사과정과 동일하게 적용한다.



1. 석사학위 : 이학석사

2. 박사학위 : 이학박사



Fields of Study


Master's Degree Program

Computer Science


Doctoral Degree Program 

Intelligent Computer System

Software Engineering

Information-Communication Convergence

Security and Parallel Algorithm

DB and Data Mining

Network Management

       Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence

     Autonomous Mobile Architecture

     AI & Biomedical Computation


Degree Requirements


1.Master's Degree Program

  1) Each student should acquire at least 9 credit hours (3 courses) from core courses.

  2) Courses offered in other departments will be counted toward the degree requirements if such courses were taken with an approval of the academic advisor and department head.

  3) Each student must acquire at least 9 credit hours (3 courses) from core courses and major courses, in which the minimum requirement of the program is 24 credit hours.

  4) Each student should determine the advisor designated courses with the academic advisor.


2. Doctoral Degree Program

  1) Each student should acquire at least 6 credit hours (2 courses) from core courses.

  2) Courses offered in other departments will be counted toward the degree requirements if such courses were taken with an approval of the academic advisor and department head.

  3) Each student must acquire at least 21 credit hours (7 courses) from core courses and major courses, in which the minimum requirement of the program is 36 credit hours.(except credit hours acquired in master's program).

  4) Each student should determine the advisor designated courses with the academic advisor.

  5) Integrated master's and doctoral degree program is under the application of the regulation of doctoral degree program.


3. Integrated master's and doctoral degree program

  1) Each student should acquire at least 12 credit hours (4 courses) from core courses.

  2) Courses offered in other departments will be counted toward the degree requirements if such courses were taken with an approval of the academic advisor and department head.

  3) Each student must acquire at least 30 credit hours (10 courses) from core courses and major courses, in which the minimum requirement of the program is 54 credit hours.

  4) Each student should determine the advisor designated courses with the academic advisor.

  5) Integrated master's and doctoral degree program is under the application of the regulation of doctoral degree program.


Comprehensive Examinations

1. Each student takes the Comprehensive Examinations after the second semester since entrance in graduate program before presenting a thesis with a supervisor's approval, provided that a disqualified person can take a reexamination for one time only.

2. Each M.S. student should take the Comprehensive Examinations in three different core courses which he may choose from the offered core courses.

3. Each Ph.D. student should take the Comprehensive Examinations in four different courses including two core courses.

4. Integrated master's and doctoral degree program is under the application of the Comprehensive Examinations' rule of doctoral degree program.


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