Small 2020, 16, 200081
  • 작성일 2020.05.08
  • 작성자 신소재화학과
  • 조회수 5420

Ruthenium Nanoparticles on Cobalt-Doped 1T′ Phase MoS2 Nanosheets for Overall Water Splitting

Ik Seon Kwon 권익선 (제1저자, 박사과정), Tekalign Terfa Debela, In Hye Kwak, Yun Chang Park, Jaemin Seo, Ju Yong Shim 심주용 (학부연구생), Seung Jo Yoo, Jin-Gyu Kim, Jeunghee Park (박정희 교수님),* and Hong Seok Kang,*

Small 2020, 16, 200081 (Impact factor: 11.459)

Abstract : 2D MoS2 nanostructures have recently attracted considerable attention because of their outstanding electrocatalytic properties. The synthesis of unique Co–Ru–MoS2 hybrid nanosheets with excellent catalytic activity toward overall water splitting in alkaline solution is reported. 1T′ phase MoS2 nanosheets are doped homogeneously with Co atoms and decorated with Ru nanoparticles. The catalytic performance of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is characterized by low overpotentials of 52 and 308 mV at 10 mA cm−2 and Tafel slopes of 55 and 50 mV decade−1 in 1.0 m KOH, respectively. Analysis of X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectra of the catalysts show that the MoS2 well retained its metallic 1T′ phase, which guarantees good electrical conductivity during the reaction. The Gibbs free energy calculation for the reaction pathway in alkaline electrolyte confirms that the Ru nanoparticles on the Co-doped MoS2 greatly enhance the HER activity. Water adsorption and dissociation take place favorably on the Ru, and the doped Co further catalyzes HER by making the reaction intermediates more favorable. The high OER performance is attributed to the catalytically active RuO2 nanoparticles that are produced via oxidation of Ru nanoparticles.

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